Saturday, 12 January 2008

Another GYLC invitee!

Hi everyone!

Most of you know that I was so blessed to be able to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference in July last year. Well, guess what?! I met another young lady who's just been invited to go to the GYLC this year!!!

It came about this way. I was on the Melville Webpage trying to find the libraries link to renew my library books, when a news headline on the right side of the page caught my attention. However, I had already clicked on the Libraries link, so I didn't have the opportunity to scroll down. However, I the title "Young Melville Leader to take World Stage" stuck in my attention.

I seriously think it's a God thing. I mean, at any other time, I would brush it off and not think twice about it, but for some reason this time, after renewing my books and doing dozens of other little things, I actually felt the urge to go back and read this article. So I did.

I almost shrieked aloud! I mean, I was THE ONLY WA girl to attend the GYLC last year, and 1 out of 3-4 Aussies in the entire conference, and here was this girl, Amy Coetzee, part of Melville, asking for sponsorship to attend the GYLC in US that I was SO shocked! I just gaped at the screen, doing all I could do not to yell to my family! :P

Amy does have a rather impressive resume, working as secretary in Melville's Youth Council. She wants to be part of the UN someday, and I really think this would help her, so if anyone reading this can donate even just a couple of dollars to her, it would really help.

From experience, I know that besides the fantastic holiday I had, I still managed to learn a lot of things. I got to meet with officials, ambassadors, journalists, entrepreneurs, etc. And for someone this passionate about doing something for the world, I'd highly recommend her to the GYLC. In fact, if I'd known her before, I would most definitely have nominated her...

Well, enough talking... here's where I 'found' Amy. "Young Melville Leader to Take World Stage"
Go ahead and read, and contact her if you can help out!

It's just such a seeming coincidence, that is too coincidental to be anything but planned by God. He's awesome!

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