About Me

Me? Now, there's a scary topic to put anyone off. Anne Frank calls herself a little bundle of contradictions, I think I'm not less so. Don't worry - I don't always understand myself, so I don't expect you to. But for the extra-inquisitive people who just HAVE to know a bit about me, here's an entire press release waiting for you:

So, my name is Abbie. On Instagram, I go under Abbiespeaks.

I recently became engaged to a wonderful guy who lived on the other side of Australia. Lived, because I have since moved cities to join him in the ultra indie city of Melbourne. We are set to be married in April 2017 in the picturesque hills of Mount Dandenong. How we met is a story for a full blog post!

I mostly spend my free time reading. The rest of the time I... sleep. Well, either that or work at my full time job in the city! I enjoy writing, particularly in my journals. Whatever else I write are just scribbles and scraps to keep my writing skills in order. :)

After about 5 years of study and exams I am now a fully qualified lawyer (yay, I think)! I work with the best people in town and enjoy my day job. It is occasionally stressful but I deal with it and move on. I am grateful to have the opportunities I have and to meet the people I meet. :)

Oh yeah- I'm a pianist too. Music calms and relaxes me - even more so when I'm the one making the music! When I can't bring the music, I'll usually be found at my desk with earphones on, tuning my cares away!

So that's all about me. If you were expecting something more about me personally like where I live and what I look like and how old I am, keep dreaming! deal with it. All you're getting is a press release!

Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!