Hi Everyone,
I'm giving my blog a fashion overdo just because I'm in the mood for it and because it's holidays and because it's my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. =D
I think it's an improvement from the previous looks but I'm still trying to improve it so put up with me. :) Don't worry. Holidays only last for so long, and unfortunately I've left changing my blog almost to the end of my hols so I won't change too much of it.
I must say that I've been learning lots of really interesting html stuff - learnt by trial and error of course - who knew it was this hard to write something up? ^^
Hopefully I'll master writing html one day and be able to come up with my own webpage design instead of having to scour the entire blogskins site for something I like that that actually worked and fit with my type of blog. THAT I promise you was a challenge fit for an initiation rite.
Anyways enough babbling... more later =)